Grand Haven vs. Spring Lake in the Battle of the Bridge

February 6, 2023
The Battle of the Bridge against Grand Haven, for the boys’ and girls teams, were both very close games with the final score of the girls’ game at 32-41, and the boys a mere two points away at 44-46. The Battle of the Bridge is an exciting game that students look forward to each year, usually taking place a week or two before Christmas, although this year, the date was changed. Grand Haven decided to do a whiteout, and Spring Lake did a blackout.
Due to the blizzard that occurred a few days before the game was scheduled, both schools had a half-day and the games were called off while we were at school. The game occurred on January 28, a Saturday instead of a usual Friday. The boys and girls teams were head to head throughout both games, and in the last quarter of the boys’ game with three minutes left, Spring Lake was up 42-41. The girls team was also ahead at one point earlier in the game, with the score being 39-37. For the boys, with two minutes and 24 seconds left, the game was tied 44-44, and within the last five seconds, Grand Haven scored one more basket finalizing the win at 46-44.
Since Grand Haven is ranked as a double AA school and spring lake is a class B school, every year when it comes to basketball it is most likey Grand Haven will win — though there have been exceptions. The student section from Spring Lake was full, with high energy and spirits with everyone engaged in both games that could have gone either way, in the favor of Spring Lake, or against it. The Battle of the Bridge, overall, was a fun game that brought the community together and gives students from other schools a chance to connect.