New Softball Coach Looks to Strike BIG this Season

March 7, 2023
As the spring season quickly approaches, the new varsity softball coaching staff look ahead to tryouts, tournaments, and themed games. With 12 games this season (6 being home) coaches Evie Uithoven and Katie Mumby hope to attract a new sense of excitement and bring more fans to the field.
This season, tryouts will begin on March 13th, with the first game of the season on April 11th against West Catholic. Additionally, Uithoven and Mumby hope to get approval for themed games, including a retro night, complete with retro pinstripe jerseys, for alumni to attend.
This season, the Girls’ Varsity Softball team will have two returning seniors, Emily Batka and Carly Button, but this year’s tryout process will look slightly different from previous years because the program is less extensive than desired. There will be no cuts because of a small tryout turnout prediction, and the real focus will be on “figuring out where they would fit on the team.”
Previous Calvin softball player, Katie Mumby, has taken on the role of Head Junior Varsity team Coach and Assistant Varsity team Coach for the 2023 softball season. This season, the coach’s goal is to “start building a long-term legacy in the program” and “build some consistency”!