What is the purpose of GirlUp?
GirlUp is a Spring Lake chapter of the international United Nations Organization with the purpose to “bring about awareness that girls and women face around the world”. Through events and fundraisers, the SLHS Chapter of GirlUp is committed to educating its members about inequality in education, the workforce and society.
What events does SLHS GirlUp put on?
GirlUp has a goal of putting on one event a month, whether that is a big event or a simple donation run. Major events include the “Scary Truth Trail” in October (Oct. 25th), Dressember in December, and a Valentine’s Day fundraiser in February. Donations and funds are donated to the local Spring Lake Peoples Center, or directly to the United Nations.
How did it start?
The Spring Lake Chapter of GirlUp was founded by Mia Davidson in 2017 and has continued to expand exponentially in members over the years. Currently, the SLHS chapter of GirlUp has 163 members, and meets monthly to discuss local solutions to help combat inequality. The teacher advisors are Mrs. Boodt and Mrs. Baker,
When and where are the meetings held?
The first GirlUp meeting for the 2023/2024 year will be held in Mrs Boodts room (room __) on Wednesday, September 20th. Following the first meetings, all GirlUp meetings will be held in Mrs. Boodts room every first Wednesday of the month.
How do I join?
If you are interested in joining GirlUp, you can either email Mrs. Boost (jboodt@springlakeschools.org) or attend the information meeting on Wednesday, September 20th.
Q&A with Mrs. Boodt (GirlUp Advisor)
What do students get out of by being a part of GirlUp?
“We would like them to be more aware of inequalities around them..so that they can be advocates and spread awareness”. Additionally, there are multiple opportunities to volunteer and give back to the community throughout the year.
What is your end of the year goal?
“To inspire, just inspire members to want to continue to be champions for this work”