Despite placing 1st in doubles at the 2022 USBC State Bowling Tournament after only a year-and-a-half of training, sophomore Hudson Case says that his biggest challenge he’s faced has been starting the high school bowling team.
It took Case nine months of getting paperwork signed and searching for coaches, until the Spring Lake High School Bowling Team was officially founded.
After seeing many other high schools start bowling teams, Case was motivated to begin one at Spring Lake. His favorite part of being on a high school team rather than a league has been the “motivation of wanting to see everyone else get better as you also get better.”
The coaches of the first-ever team are Chip Vasquez and Linda Vasquez, and the team consists of a little over 20 members.
Although Case wanted to start a bowling team in 2022, he started too late. Instead, he joined a Northway Lanes league for 13- to 17-year-olds. After bowling a few times a week, either competitively or just for fun, he went on to compete at the state bowling tournament for league members, where he competed in doubles and placed first in doubles, and second in all the events combined. “It was my first tournament ever, so it was pretty cool,” Case said.
Case got “addicted really quickly” to bowling after growing up watching his dad play. Case said he looks to his dad as his biggest supporter and inspiration.