“I Have a Plan” week is an annual week hosted by Spring Lake High School to educate students on possible career paths and assist current seniors in their college application process. Each day of the week represents a different career path that is available to students post graduation. Students also had the opportunity to dress up according to the theme:
Military Monday
Tech Center Tuesday
Workforce Wednesday
College Track Thursday
On Friday, staff wore their white “do you have a plan” shirts and seniors wore blue “I have a plan” shirts.
During seminar or 4th hour, classes were informed about each respective career field and given resources to learn more. Kelli Heavlin, a Spring Lake High School teacher who teaches business focussed classes, helped to plan the event. “This year, we broadened our focus from involving only seniors in ‘I Have a Plan’ Week to encouraging all students to explore various post-secondary options. It’s been about giving every student the chance to discover paths, connect with their goals, and feel motivated about their future.”
Outside college counselors were also brought in for seniors to aid them in the

extensive and stressful college process, especially due to the fact that early action application was due Nov. 1.
Additionally, seniors were expected to fill out an “I have a plan” form inquiring about their future plans, whether that is an apprenticeship, military or college. By filling out the form, students were entered into a gift card drawing. Winners were announced each day during 5th hour.