Spring Lake High School has never failed to keep its lunch options exciting. From slushies to frozen yogurt and our latest addition, bubble tea, also known as boba, students have many options to choose from. Over the years, boba has become an increasingly popular drink choice among young people. For those unaware of this trend, boba is a drink originating from Taiwan. These unique tea-based drinks have boba balls added to the mix to add flavor and texture.
The new boba bar at Spring Lake High School allows students to create their own drinks and choose from various flavors for the small price of five dollars. When getting boba, you must first get in line to get a cup. Then, students choose between several types of popping boba or the standard tapioca pearls. The flavors of popping boba include mango, strawberry, lemon, passion fruit, and more. Once your boba is added to your cup, you move it over to the syrup stand. The syrup stand allows you to add additional flavor to your drink. Once again, there are a variety of syrups that can be added, allowing you to make a variety of flavor combinations. And if you are unsure what flavors would work best together, there’s a sign posted with recipes for students to try out.
Another fun factor with adding the boba bar occurs at the end of each week. Starting this February, a random name will be chosen and posted on a sign above the boba bar every Friday. Students with this name will be allowed a free cup of boba to accompany their lunch. This is a great way to allow all students to try these drinks and come up with their favorite flavor combinations.
It has not been said as to whether or not the boba bar will remain a permanent option in the High School cafeteria. That said, the addition of boba to our menu is very unique and something most high school students do not get the chance to try, so get it while you can, and be sure to check for your name this upcoming Friday!