Senior All-Nighter Success


Samantha Redeker and Noor Baria, Reporter

As the new year has arrived, the countdown to graduation has begun for the class of 2023. Senior year is filled with plenty of laughs and joyful memories that separate this particular year aside from the others. 

On Saturday night, the class of 2023 had their senior all-nighter, where they were taken to a mystery spot and were surprised with activities and loads of fun. The night started at 8 o’clock in the highschool commons where everyone gathered to find out the mystery place… “double J’s”. As the buses left at nine the students were thrilled as soon as they arrived at 10 o’clock. Parent volunteers had organized a wonderful night that included: bull riding, a caricature artist, casino games that included poker, roulette and blackjack, glow-in-the-dark mini-golfing, unlimited arcade games, and full access to the waterpark!

As the night came to an end, the seniors came together for karaoke night where they heard some wonderful voices, along with some not so much. Students came together with their classmates praising them and laughing with them to enjoy the little moments. The buses left at four am, following a breakfast bag at 3:30 and a senior gift. Students were singing for over 2 hours listening to classic songs that had multiple students connected and involved.

We asked  students about their time at the senior all nighter and what they are looking forward to regarding senior activities. Senior Jacob Kotkowicz ‘had a great time’, he felt that ‘being able to hang out with people outside of an in-school atmosphere was something nice to be a part of’, especially talking to classmates that he may not be as close with. He states “Moving forward, I’m looking forward to getting the chance to interact with people before we graduate and have some more fun times before we all go our separate ways.” Emma Nicles, another senior, shares: “I really loved going to the senior all-nighter, I felt like it was a good time to reconnect with some classmates I don’t see or talk to as often. I’m excited to do more fun activities like senior assassin in the spring!” Lastly Senior Caroline Henry shares with us: “The best part about the senior all nighter was getting time to be with people who you have grown up with over the years—getting to laugh and sing at the top of your lungs with them. I’m excited to make more of these memories before we leave SLHS in the past.”

In all, the senior all-nighter was a great opportunity for the seniors to come together and form new bonds with only a few months remaining. With the parent volunteers and activities set up, it was a successful way to connect more than 100 students that participated.